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Christina Martinez-Williams
Oct 11, 2017
Poem: We Laughed and Laughed
As a girl, I shared a game with my abuela played it every time she visited or I visited her probably even into my early teens. She...
Malisa Payne
Oct 3, 2017
Capturing Heart: The Work of Artist Dean Mitchell
I recently ran across the work of a man that is remarkably talented at capturing the heart of people. He has an arresting ability to...
Melody Shadis
Sep 25, 2017
A Story of Hope
They say you grow in wisdom as you grow in years. I would say that is very much my case. My life and journey have given me a wisdom...
Ayren Jackson-Cannady
Sep 19, 2017
Learning a Love Language
“When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the...
Malisa Payne
Sep 12, 2017
Pork Chops and Collard Greens
Photo of Edna Lewis My mouth is beginning to water just thinking about all the great food that my mentor mom cooks when we get together...
Autumn Swain
Sep 5, 2017
Intentional Living
Lists, list and more lists. My life is full of lists--to-do lists, dream lists, goal lists, family lists, grocery lists, research...
Jon Hoffman
Aug 29, 2017
Mentoring Future Mentors
For three nights every week my wife Kim and I welcome into our home a group of neighborhood kids who we mentor through Bible study,...
Robert Swain
Aug 21, 2017
The Power of a 1.8 GPA
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 60 percent of high school students come from a two parent household. But, my high school...
Ayren Jackson-Cannady
Aug 16, 2017
The Echo of Charlottesville
A mother with heavy eyelids, standing firm-footed at a NICU crib. A mother on hands and knees, pulling cherry tomatoes from a backyard...
Katie Garcia
Aug 8, 2017
Unity Conquers Conflict
It happened in junior high. Our class, half Hispanic and half Caucasian, one day realized that it meant something. There were suddenly...
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