- Autumn Swain
A Steep Climb Towards Equality; Imagine the View From the Top
Hobbies are healthy. They give you an outlet to be yourself, express yourself and love yourself. My hobby is hiking. I make it a priority to go once a month because it is something that I have enjoyed since I was a little girl. I can’t explain the joy it brings, but I suppose it has something to do with the physical activity, combined with the peace of the outdoors, and the memories shared with friends and loved ones.
Oh, but then there is THAT! That breathtaking view from the top that makes all the time and effort invested in the climb all worth it.
I peer out into the distance and consider the beauty of what I see, leading to thoughts about the greatness of God and the Creator of this incredible view.
“Open your eyes and there it is! By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can’t see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being.” (Romans 1:21)
There is also a divine mystery in every human being. An internal drive inspired by one’s spirit to work hard enough for something even before the evidence of what makes the work worth it comes to fruition. My personal passion for justice to be equally experienced among all people and for an authentic unity among people of all different experiences--ethnically, economically, and so forth--is a challenge. There is no sugar coating the struggle of humans to conquer a divide that is fueled by harmful media messages, selfish intentions, greed and even indifference.
However, there is a spark of hope that is being ignited by a vision for a unifying people that are struggling together towards genuine love and concern for equality, justice and celebration.
Throughout history people have continued to fan these flames. In 1898, an African American women and activist, Ida B. Wells, brought her anti-lynching campaign to the White House, leading a protest in Washington, D.C., and calling for President William McKinley to make reforms.
David Damian Figueroa was a farmworker as a child, and is one of the leading influencers in shaping Latina and Latino popular arts through his work in film, television, music production, and publicity. His role as an executive producer of the critically acclaimed documentary film Food Chains and associate producer of The Harvest/La Cosecha brought national attention to the conditions of farmworkers.
So whatever the journey you are on, as you contemplate your God-given passions, the vision you see in your mind’s eye when you lay down at night, and what is driving you to a better world, don’t give up. Push harder. The world needs you, and always remember…
“When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just imagine the view from the top!”