Woman on the Hill: Don't Judge a Blessing by Its Cover

I am what is generally considered a foot soldier, simply meaning my ministry takes me into the community without the advantage of transportation a lot of the time. When I can, I go out for a walk, always asking the Father which way to go. That obedience puts me where I need to be.
I once read a book written in the 1920’s by a travelling Pastor titled, Modern Miracles, and found so many similarities to my life. He had few funds, no transportation but a willing heart so God used him mightily. One time he found himself in possession of a few more coins than usual and went about getting to the market to purchase food for a family of four. On the way the Holy Spirit whispered, “No, don’t go,” and wouldn’t let him move until he listened. Even though he thought, “Surely I must feed this family,” he was determined to do what the Lord was requesting, and didn’t go.
As it turned out, a family in another town had sent a message for him to come because their daughter needed healing. As he was laying healing hands on the girl, her mother said she had been in prayer for the Lord to send him right away; and God did just what He said He would do. If the pastor had fed the first family, he never would have heard. Because he had been obedient, he was able to be there.
One particular day I went out, following the Lord, and I ended up walking a good while and stopping at the end of a very nice neighborhood. Looking over to my left I saw a Hispanic woman lying prostrate up on the mound of a hill that surrounded an apartment building. We were both from different backgrounds and different ethnicities, but how about I knew God was up to something. He wanted me to talk to her!
I walked over to her, calling up to ask if she was alright. She turned her head looking down at me and nodded. Now, I’m talking to the Lord, saying, “Can I go now, she said she’s ok!” Three guesses what the answer was. I climbed up on the mound and as I reached the woman somehow God supernaturally had me on the ground holding this stranger in my arms before I knew what was happening. Now, never in a million years would I have laid on any ground that animals had gone before because I have a--let’s call it--a thing about dirt and bugs. But God had something for me.
This beautiful woman from Salvador had traveled to America many years earlier to marry an African Christian man, and together they were raising two beautiful boys. Within their ministry they served to help the people of Haiti in whatever capacity they could. Her family was not in this country, so there were times she said she missed seeing them. She, her husband and children all belonged to a sound church which made her happy. As life would have it, she had the need to share a burden that was on her heart that day and not wanting to burden her family with it, she became saddened and felt alone.
And here’s the best part. That young woman said to me that when I approached her she had been crying out to God and praying that He would send someone to be with her. My obedience bridged all the gaps between us, and God used me mightily.