- Autumn Swain
Gratitude: A Journey Through Food
Some would say I am a “foodie”. I prefer quality over quantity. I enjoy food in its natural form and seasonings that add flavor, or a twist. I love unexpected surprises like a a hint of tang or spiciness. Like when I take that first bite of a delicious Cuban paella and catch a splash of citrus or find a hint of sea salt in a dark chocolate chip cookie. As I reflect on what I love about food I realize food has identified what I love about life.
Adventure: I love experiencing new cultures through food. I love entering new places to try new things. I prefer to explore new recipes and restaurants than to “play it safe”. This month, try three new types of food outside your own culture. Better yet, ask an acquaintance of a different background to take you to their favorite restaurant.
Spirituality: I love recognizing I have so much to be grateful for each time I eat a good meal. I am thankful for the food itself, and the cultures that inspire the food, and for the people I am sharing the meal with. Take time, through prayer, to share gratitude each time you eat this week. To inspire a spirit of gratitude think about all the people in the world that live on less than $2 per day at dinner time each day this week.
Personal Growth: I love growing into a better version of myself and that requires creating healthy boundaries. I have challenged myself to never eating mindlessly or make choices that will harm myself, but to strive to make choices that benefit my well-being. This week find strength and peace in choosing foods that add value to your life, and not letting food control you.
Social Joys: I love spending time with people. I love meeting new people over food. It is perfectly normal for a bunch of strangers to gather at a restaurant and grow in their social economy by getting to know each other. Food brings people together! Take some time this month to value the people you sit down with over a meal, or even take the time to eat with others (period). Find joy in sharing time, and flavor, with others.
At your next meal, remember it can be an experience that can impact your life in a very positive way if you let it! Bon Appetit.